IRS Form 1040X – the Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
PDFfiller focuses on one more form related to the individual tax return, Form 1040x, which lets you amend a previously filed tax return.
Who needs a 1040X?
The IRS Form 1040X is for someone who wishes to amend their federal tax return. If you filed your tax return using forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040EZ-T, 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ and you wish to amend them with new information, you will need to use the form 1040X. A separate form 1040X is required for each tax return you wish to amend.
Are there exceptions to who needs to fill out a 1040X?
If you didn’t file a tax return or didn’t use the forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040EZ-T, 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ to file, then you cannot use the 1040X to amend your return.
What is a 1040X for?
The IRS form 1040X is for filing an amendment to a federal income tax return. When the 1040X is received by the IRS, they will determine if you are eligible for an additional tax refund or if you owe any more taxes to the government.
What information do you need when you file a 1040X?
You will need:
1. A copy of the tax return you want to amend
2. Any documentation you have of your new deductions or other amendments
3. Any schedules that were filed with the original tax return that will be affected by the amendment
Is the 1040X accompanied by other forms?
The 1040X is not accompanied by any other forms. It is purely used for amending a previous year’s tax return. If your amendment to the tax return changes its accompanying schedule, you will need to send it with the new schedule filled out.
What else do I need to send with a 1040X?
You will need to send proof of the changes to your return along with your 1040X. For example, if you are claiming deductions for items bought during the tax year you will need to send receipts or other such proof that you made the purchase during that tax year.
When is a 1040X due?
To amend your tax return with the 1040X, you will need to send it in the proper window of time. In most cases, this means within three years of filing the original tax return. You can also file a 1040X within two years of paying the original tax, whichever comes later.
How do I fill out a 1040X?
The IRS form 1040X can be filled out and filed in many different ways. You can fill it and print it out using PDFfiller and send it in yourself. For more information on filling out the form, check out the following video:
Where do I send a 1040X?
Where you send your physical 1040X form depends entirely on your state, and whether or not you are filing under a special case (such as in response to a notice from the IRS). You can use the helpful chart here to determine where to send your form if you decide to file it yourself.
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