Form W-8BEN is the Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals). It must be filed by every non-resident who earns money on the territory of the United States. It applies only to individuals; for entities you must use the irs w-8ben-e form. You may check the irs w-8ben instructions, but the purpose of this blog is to provide a line-by-line guide for you to fill out the online form properly.
The certificate of foreign status for federal tax withholding consists of three parts and ten prompts. The first part is devoted to the identification of the beneficial owner. There are eight lines. Indicate the name of the individual who is the beneficial owner in the first line. This name must coincide with the name in a passport or any other official document. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms. In the second line, provide the permanent residence address with country of origin and without PO box number. If your mailing address is the same as in the second line, skip it. If not, write it down in the fourth line. In lines 5 and 6 you must indicate your U.S. and foreign taxpayer identification numbers (SSN or ITIN). The seventh line is devoted to the reference number(s). This may be an account number or other reference sources. And the last line in the first part of the blank must be filled with the date of birth.
The second part of this tax form is called the Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits. There are only two lines to complete. These lines must be completed only by those U.S. non-residents whose native countries concluded a tax treaty with the United States.
The third part of the irs w8ben form is the certification. It is the applicant’s declaration and confirmation. Once the individual has filled all lines in the blank, it is necessary to certify it by signature. Indicate also the date of completion.
After the document is completed, take your time to check it. It will be much easier and faster to do using PDFfiller editing tools. You may also use a printable version. You must print the form and fill it by hand which is not that convenient A PDF or Word fillable sample is available on our site.
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