Does your job require you to jointly edit or get feedback on documents from multiple colleagues? Well, if so, PDFfiller has a tool that is going to make your life a whole lot easier!
The PDFfiller Share tool lets you collaborate seamlessly with your colleagues to finalize your important business documents.
If you have used our Share tool in the past, it now looks a little different now as we recently streamlined the process to make it easier than ever. Just add in your recipient’s email and name (or upload it from your address book) and then set their permissions level – in the dropdown menu you’ll find three choices: full access, read only, or signature only.
After adding up to ten recipients in the list, you can write your own personal message by typing over the default text. Then hit ‘Share’ and voilà, your recipients will receive a link to the shared workspace.
Collaborators can print, send, or save the document when they are done editing. Each invitation and its access level will be visible under ‘Sent History and then ‘Share History’ in MyForms. You can change the permissions by selecting the document and clicking the settings icon to the right.
So put your heads together and try sharing your documents with PDFfiller – you’ll find out how easy and beneficial a little collaboration can be!