Applying for a Social Security Card
Do you know which document serves as the cornerstone of your identity as a United States citizen? Answer: the Social Security Card! In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the process of applying for this essential document.
Who needs an Application for a Social Security Card?
All legal residents working in the United States must have a social security number, which is necessary for such basic activities as obtaining a salaried job. Social Security numbers are used to report a person’s wages to the government and to determine eligibility for benefits.
What is an Application for a Social Security Card for?
In the U.S., a Social Security Card is used to document the nine-digit social security number, (SSN) issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents. Its primary purpose is to track individuals for social security purposes, though it is also used for identification and tax purposes. Social Security encompasses social welfare and social insurance programs that are supported by taxes from all salaried income. Applying for a Social Security card is a necessary step in obtaining your Social Security number.
Is the Application for a Social Security Card accompanied by other forms?
To get your social security card, you need to provide evidence of your age, your legal name and identity, your citizenship and immigration status. The documents required vary depending on whether you are a U.S.-born Citizen, a foreign-born U.S. Citizen or a non-citizen. It is also important to note that these documents must be the original versions or copies certified by the issuing agency.
If you are a U.S. born citizen, to prove your citizenship, you can supply:
A U.S. birth certificate or passport
To prove your age, you must present your birth certificate or:
• A religious record showing your date of birth
• A U.S. hospital record of your birth
• A U.S. passport.
To prove your identity you must use a document with date of birth, or age, and a recent photograph such as
• A U.S. driver’s license
• A non-driver id card
• A U.S. passport
If you are a non-citizen, you will need documents that prove your immigration status, your work eligibility, your age, and identity.
When is the Application for a Social Security Card due?
There is no set deadline for your application for a social security card. Parents often apply for social security numbers for their children soon after birth, or along with an application for a birth certificate. If you are an immigrant, you should apply for a social security number on your immigrant visa application, or 10 days after arriving in the United States so that the Department of Homeland Security documents can be verified online.
How do I fill out an Application for a Social Security Card?
Filling out an application for a social security card requires you to supply your name, any prior social security number if applicable, place and date of birth, ethnicity, race, gender, and information about your parent’s identities and social security numbers. Make sure you also provide a mailing address, daytime phone number and your signature. For more information on applying for a new Social Security Card, check out the following video:
Where do I send the Application for a Social Security Card?
You can use pdfFiller to fill out, print, and send the completed social security card application to your local Social Security office. To find the one closest to you, you can use this link.