Form SSA-561-U2 – Request For Reconsideration
Each person with disabilities is faced with the need to draw up particular documents to receive their Social Security disability benefits. Sometimes it happens that your Social Security claim for disability benefits is denied. The law gives you the opportunity to contest such a decision of the SSA (Social Security Administration). Our today’s review is devoted to the main form which is used as the request for reconsideration – SSA-561-U2. Let’s take a closer look at how it should be completed and filed with the SSA.
Who needs an SSA-561-U2 Form?
The claimants who have applied for Social Security disability benefits, but have their claims denied are entitled to appeal the SSA’s decision. To do so, they are required to submit SSA-561-U2 Form, if they still expect to receive Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Insurance.
What is the SSA-561-U2 Form for?
Submitting this form is the only way to dispute the initial SSA decision as for the eligibility for SSDI. Filing the SSA-561-U2 form with the SS office is required when the applicant can attach some additional evidence or provide arguments to help forward a favorable decision. While completing the form any evidence that can help prove the applicant’s case should be included.
Is the SSA-561-U2 Form accompanied by other forms?
Form SSA-561-U2 must be accompanied by the form SSA-3441-BK (Disability Report – Appeal) if the claimant wants to dispute the denial of disability benefits, and form SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration).
If an applicant considers necessary and helpful, they can also attach any recent medical records or a letter from a physician and even employer about their ability to work.
When is SSA-561-U2 Form due?
When an applicant whose claim has been denied wants to appeal the decision, there is strict time limitation to follow. The completed form SSA-561-U2 must be filed within 60 days after the claimant received a written notice from the SSA about the denial of their benefits by email. If the notice was sent by mail, the appeal period is extended to 65 days.
How do I fill out SSA-561-U2 Form?
The form must provide information on the following points:
- the claimant’s basic information (name, SSN, SSI or SVB);
- the spouse’s basic information (name and SSN);
- the reasons for the appeal;
- contact information;
- signature; and
- claimant’s representative’s name and contact information.
The bottom part of the form is filled by the SSA personnel.
Where do I send this Request for Reconsideration?
The completed and signed form must be filed with the local Social Security Office. It is advisable that the applicant keeps a copy of all forms concerning the disability claim.