A Limited Liability Company is a type of organization that provides a lot of benefits. Such a business structure provides pass-through tax status and high liability protection, and minimizes many business formalities you are responsible for. If you are interested in all these, you must know what documents to prepare to file an LLC.
There are 3 basic documents necessary in this case. They are the Certificate of Organization, Operating Agreement and SS-4 form. The Certificate of Organization outlines such information as business name, purpose, its principal place, registered agent, management structure and business duration. The Operating Agreement includes the information about the ownership percentage of the members, the distribution of all profits and losses, voting rights and the ways the LLC may be dissolved.
The most important among these three documents is the SS4 form. It is the Application for Employer Identification Number and must be filed by all employers, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts, churches, Indian tribal entities, government agencies, certain individuals, and others who want to obtain the status of LLC.
This fillable application contains a special table which allows you to determine whether you need this EIN or not. After you have determined this, proceed with filling out your PDF or Word form ss-4 online. You can download a printable sample and complete it manually. However, it will take much more time and effort to print it.
In Form SS-4 you must provide the following information: legal name of the individual for whom the EIN must be requested, name of the business, executor’s name, mailing address, name of the responsible party, type of entity, reason for applying online, etc. Generally, there are 18 lines to fill out. If you have any questions, you may check the instructions to your SS-4.