PDFfiller.com has thousands of forms available on our database, all of which can be filled out online. But in the case that we don’t have the form you’re looking for, you can easily upload one you already have.
If you have a document saved on your desktop, or you’ve found one on the web that you’d like to work with, you can use our upload tool to add the form to your “MyForms” section. You can find the upload tool via our homepage, as well as in the“My Forms” area. This tool allows you to upload PDF documents, Microsoft Word documents, Power Point presentations, and Notepad files.
Below, we take you through the process within the “My Forms” area of the website, but you can take the same steps regardless of which interface you use.
In the “My Forms” area, in the center, right above the list of your folder contents, there’s a red button marked “Add New Form.”
Click on this. A pop-up window will appear offering two options for uploading your files into the system.
The first option is to upload a file from your computer. This is the default option, so if you click in the data entry bar in the pop-up window, the system will automatically open the folder on your computer that you last uploaded a document from. You will be prompted to open a document from that folder.
Your second option is to upload a file from the web. Select the round button beside “from URL (Any WEB site).” The data entry area of the pop-up window will include the beginning of a web address, “html://.”
Here, you can enter the URL of any weblink to a PDF document, Power Point presentation, Word document, etc.
When you enter the URL, PDFfiller.com will create a new document that you can edit, save, store or send anywhere you’d like.