DD 1172 2 Form: Application for Identification Card/Deers Enrollment
Members of the US military and their families have the opportunity to apply for various government benefits under specific programs. The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) is a database of these individuals eligible for military benefits. Among those benefits are medical insurance coverage, educational privileges, life insurance, ID cards, access to specific installations, buildings and facilities, etc. Active military members are usually automatically enrolled in DEERS. However, their family members and dependants should provide all the required documents and an appropriate application, namely, DD 1172 2 Form, to be included in this database. This application must be completed by the military member who acts as a sponsor for his family. Below we’ll discuss all the crucial details of this application.
Who needs the DD 1172 2 form?
This form is used by reserves, active duty and retired service members to register their family members or dependants in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and receive an identification card. This card is required to access government systems and facilities and to receive uniformed service benefits.
What is the purpose of the form DD 1172 2?
The application for the DEERS enrollment and identification card provides the information needed for issuing the relevant documents. These details are used by the Federal and State Agencies to determine the individual’s eligibility for DoD benefits and privileges. The individual can also complete this form to renew his ID card.
What documents must accompany form DD 1172 2?
The individual can fill out the form as a sponsor or as a dependant. If you are a reserve, retired or an active duty service member, you are a sponsor to your dependants. The documents that should accompany the form vary depending on the completed DD 1172-2 form. The dependants must provide proof of relationship to the sponsor. The sponsor must include documents that establish their eligibility and verify the Federal person identifier.
How long does it take to fill out the DD 1172 2 form?
If you have all the required data, it won’t take long to complete and sign this form. Form DD 1172-2 does not have a due date and you can complete it whenever there is a need. The applicant should keep in mind, though, that the application form is valid for 90 days from the moment of its signing.
Which sections should I fill in the DoD form 1172 2?
This form consists of VI sections:
- Section I – information about the sponsor/employee
- Section II – declaration and remarks of sponsor/employee
- Section III – information about the sponsoring office (completed by DoD)
- Section IV – verification
- Section V – information about the dependent
- Section VI – acknowledgment of card receipt
If you are a sponsor, and you want to enroll your dependents in DEERS, you have to fill out sections I, II and V. If you are an eligible employee applying for ID card, you have to fill out sections I and II. Personnel of Department of Defence have to complete section III.
What do I do with the Application after its completion?
The military member should bring the completed form to the real-time automated personnel identification system workstation.