What do you think of when you read words like office and documents? Do you think of cubicles and staplers? Briefcases? The DMV?
We think of our moms.
Moms are the CEOs of their households. Mothers always seem to have this magical talent for juggling a whole family’s worth of responsibilities–while dancing backwards. In high heels.
If you’re a busy mom, you know what we’re talking about. You’re a professional in time-management, culinary arts, in-home pediatric healthcare, party planning, and test-prep, not to mention everything you do for your day job. Have a college-bound teenager in the house? Brace yourself for a fresh wave of to-do lists, deadlines, and forms waiting for signatures, dollar signs, and check boxes.
Nicole Robinson, creator of BookWorm Mama, is one of those multitasking moms, and she loves to help families focus on raising college-ready kids. Her no-nonsense approach and realistic, practical advice make her the perfect resource for moms, dads, and curious kids alike. Bookworm Mama features articles by parenting and educational experts, book reviews, frequent giveaways, and handy guides covering everything from “diapers to dorm rooms.”
Nicole’s recent posts include creative tips on middle grade homework help, a thoughtful discussion on modern fashion magazines & age-appropriate reading for our daughters, and a guide to get your college-bound teen to stand out on his applications. Humorous, smart, and straight forward, Nicole’s expertise shines through as she emphasizes the importance of enthusiastic parenting, practical goal-setting, and early planning.
Based in Dallas, Texas, Nicole Robinson is a freelance writer, wife, and mother with a serious love for whole milk, nonfiction, and planning ahead. When she’s not drafting newsletters for her readers, interviewing authors, or researching scholarships, she’s happily building an online community where parents can share ideas on life, work, money, and raising smart, confident kids.
Head over to BookWorm Mama and join the conversation and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest.
Nicole was nice enough to give PDFfiller a try and let us know how the service worked for her. Here’s what she had to say:
How did you use PDFfiller?
“I was traveling when I needed to complete an important form for my daughter’s school. I had no printer, fax or scanner. With PDFfiller I was able to quickly prepare a great-looking document and get it submitted on time.”
What was your favorite/most convenient feature?
“I liked that PDFfiller offered so many options for obtaining the document that I wanted to work on. Not only could I use PDFs, Word documents, and other file types, but with PDFfiller‘s unique email address for my account, I could even have someone email a form directly into the system.”
Would you recommend PDFfiller to your friends, family, or your readers?
“I think this is a great product, and would certainly come in handy for college-bound families and many others. I would feel comfortable recommending PDFfiller.”
Thanks, Nicole, for the wonderful review!
Curious about PDFfiller? Click here to try it out for yourself, and start filling out all your forms pen-free.