Bill of Lading
In trade, like in any type of business, it is essential to be able to rely on the other party for doing the proper job as it has been agreed. To deliver goods to customers abroad, you have to collaborate with professional carriers. For you to be assured that your goods are safe and will be delivered to their destination, there are mandatory regulatory documents to confirm the transfer of the cargo from the wholesaler or producer to the shipper. The primary one is the Bill of Lading. Learn more about the Bill of Lading and how to file it in this blog post
Who needs a Bill of Lading form?
A Bill of Lading is a document which is issued by a carrier and specifies the composition and value of goods carried to a particular party.
What is the Bill of Lading for?
This form is one of the main documents in international trade traffic, ensuring that the importer will receive the goods and the exporter will receive the payment. This document can be used for transport by road or sea.
This bill specifies the type of goods, their packaging, the carrier, the sender and the recipient. It also indicates the total value of all goods transported. This bill is used at customs, as a form of inventory and for the registration of cargo.
Is the Bill of Lading accompanied by other forms?
The short form of the Straight Bill is not accompanied by other forms. Also, this document may not be enough for the passage of the goods across borders and customs services may require additional permits for transported goods.
When is the Bill due?
There is no particular due date for this form. The completed form acts as the final document that certifies the fact of shipment to the recipient.
How do I fill out Bill of Lading?
The sender specifies the name and type of packaging of the goods, indicating the number and total value of the transported goods. In addition, the sender should indicate basic information about himself, the recipient and the carrier of the cargo.
Where do I send Bill of Lading?
The cargo carrier retains the bill while the cargo is en route. The bill is then transmitted to the cargo’s recipient.