Keep calm and go digital: 40 drivers for productivity improvement

digital documents

Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks – cutting loose debris that’s impeding forward motion

says David Allen in his book “Getting Things Done”, the best business book of the decade according to Time.

The occasional interruption of routine tasks can free up our minds and help us focus on the most important goals at hand. This statement fits the global trend of time-management strategies. And the how-to-avoid-stress message became the creed for most of the existing efficiency improvement techniques.

But does focusing on small routine tasks really helps us to free up our minds?

The point is that routine is considered to be a brief respite.

Indeed, the way we work directly depends on the way we relax:

People often complain about the interruptions that prevent them from doing their work. But interruptions are unavoidable in life.

– we find in the same book right before we’re interrupting reading it.


Search for business tools, not just motivation

Three out of five employees who complain how their companies execute weekly tasks, state that many strategic and operational decisions simply don’t work. The majority of companies that lack efficiency, only go for structural measures. Yet after some time, they fail to show significant improvement. The main problem of poor performance is that the system as a whole doesn’t operate synergistically.

Successful companies achieve their goals by solving internal issues first and foremost.

And the three pillars of solid execution are the following:

  • prioritizing high-value activities;
  • sharing the responsibility of decision making;
  • making internal information accessible;

And the icing on the cake is the absence of interruptions. Second-guessed decisions, doubts, confusion and worrying break your flow – which can be difficult to reestablish.

The point is, there is no need to ‘clean the cobwebs’ if everything could be fully automated. Your team can build perfect communication simply with proper workflow creation. In this regard, the author of the above book totally agrees.

Except for thinking that this is all on you, and only you.

PDFfiller doesn’t think so either and wants to lift the load off human shoulders.


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Pdffiller’s 40 flow productivity boosters

Digital workflow saves time and minimizes errors, which makes a huge impact on efficiency. With a 25 million document library, you can provide your company’s key departments with totally paperless document transactions.

Here are the top documents for your HR department:

Eliminating printers, pens and scanners reduces your costs. And having a single digital workflow platform will increase revenue. Your sales department makes more with less, closing deals faster and easier:

The Legal department always has to keep client data secure. With features like two-step authentication login, an encrypted folder for password-protecting your documents, and an audit trail, you can free your legal department from a stressful routine.

With PDFfiller they can request and obtain multiple legally-binding digital signatures.

Your major departments such as HR, Sales and Legal are meant to work as a solid mechanism. W-9 forms are filled, deals are closed in just a few clicks and affidavits are legally signed. With PDFfiller, you save up to 80% of working time by achieving maximum flow.

Getting things done doesn’t have to be such a big hassle.