Form VA 29-4125: Claim for One Sum Payment
For the purpose of providing financial security to US veterans and their families with respect to significant risks intrinsic to military service, The Department of Veteran Affairs has developed considerable life insurance benefits that last during the whole veteran’s lifetime. In fact, even after the veteran’s death, his family is eligible to receive what is called the One Sum Payment. To receive this benefit, the claimant should be ready to prepare certain papers, the most important being Form VA 29-4125.
In this blog post we will try to help you file the form properly and explain the whole procedure.
Who needs a VA 29-4125 Form?
The Department of Veteran Affairs 29-4125 form is the alternative name for the Claim for One Sum Payment. This form can be submitted by a person who needs to file a claim for the life insurance obtained by a deceased retired member of the military. The claimant is regarded as a veteran’s beneficiary.
What is the VA 29-4125 Form for?
The VA Form 29-4125 is used to claim the payments provided by the government insurance policy.
Is the VA Form 29-4125 accompanied by other forms?
It is mandatory that the VA Form 29-4125 be accompanied by the deceased veteran’s death certificate (a photocopy is allowed) identifying the date and the cause of death.
In case the claimant is not the veteran’s principal or contingent beneficiary, there are also some additional provisions, stating that:
- If the applicant is a minor or an incompetent person, the letters of guardianship or conservatorship must be included
- If the claimant is the veteran’s personal representative, they must accompany the Claim for One Sum Payment with copies of testamentary letters, letters of administration or a court order of distribution.
When is the VA 29-4125 Form due?
The Claim must be filed when the need arises.
How do I fill out VA Form 29-4125?
The fillable VA 29-4125 requires providing the following information:
- Insured veteran data (name, insurance file number, policy number, net amount of insurance, date of death);
- Beneficiary data (name, relation to the veteran, date of birth, SSN, address, phone number);
- Beneficiary Signature;
- Date.
Where do I send the VA Form 29-4125?
The completed, signed and dated Claim must be sent to the Department of Veteran Affairs, Regional Office, and Insurance Center.