pdfFiller partners with US Legal Forms: 85K+ state-specific legal and business forms

Learn more about pdffiller and US Legal Forms partnership

We’re happy to announce our partnership with US Legal Forms. It’s official, pdfFiller and US Legal Forms are now integrated! pdfFiller users now have access to more than 85,000 state-specific forms and form packages from the largest digital library of legal and business documents on the market.

And get this, not only is the US Legal Forms library the largest, it’s the most accurate. Each form is regularly updated by state-certified attorneys to make sure you’re always using the forms that matter.

US Legal Forms is much more than just another legal website

US Legal Forms was one of the very first legal services available on the internet. It provides individuals, small businesses, attorneys, and corporations with the legal documents they need; and it has been doing so for more than 20 years (since 1997).

As one of the first, and the most robust of the online digital libraries of state-specific legal forms, it has become a staple for individuals and professionals all over the nation.

US Legal Forms has something for everyone, regardless of if you’re an individual, business, attorney, or law professor. Every adult in the US needs affordable access to legal and business forms – some more than others – and having access to a name you know you can trust is incredibly important when managing legal affairs.

With the Better Business Bureau, US Legal Forms has maintained an A+ rating for many years. It has also held the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award for 9 years in a row.

What can pdfFiller users do with US Legal Forms?

  • Access state-specific legal and business forms and form packages. Whether you’re going through something personal, starting a business, selling property, renting out property, managing a trust, preparing a will, handling domestic affairs, etc., US Legal Forms has what you need.

  • Take advantage of advanced completion services. Fill out a short questionnaire and answer a few simple questions to receive your personalized document: Last Will, Power of Attorney or Living Will / Health Care Directive.

  • Benefit from pages of legal terms, definitions, articles, guides, FAQs, handbooks, and so much more. While browsing the US Legal Forms website, you can benefit from an array of useful resources for free!

By utilizing US Legal Forms, anyone and everyone can simplify their document workflows. Locate state-specific forms and form packages and get powerful features for professional document management via pdfFiller, eSignature via signNow, and eNotarization via Notarize. Set up streamlined document workflows by adding fillable fields to forms and configuring customizable signing orders so that everyone in the process completes what they’re supposed to – how they’re supposed to – when they’re supposed to.

Before we get carried away with excitement, we should probably walk you through the process. There are two approaches for getting your form ready for action: the Dashboard approach and the Integration approach, so let’s dive in!

Getting started with US Legal Forms + pdfFiller:

To start working with US Legal Forms, all you need is a Premium pdfFiller subscription. From here, there are two paths that we can take: from the Dashboard and from Integrations. Accessing US Legal Forms from the Dashboard has the advantage of using pdfFiller’s editor right out of the box. First, let’s take a look at the Dashboard approach:

Dashboard approach

From your Dashboard, you’ll see the Add New button. Simply hover your mouse over it until the menu opens. Then, move your cursor down the US Legal Forms button and click it, as seen above.

Once selected, you’ll find a search bar. Here, you can search for any form by name, category, or keyword. The broader your search terms, the more documents that’ll populate in the results.

Once your search is complete, and you’ve selected the appropriate document that you need, simply locate the Open button in the right-hand panel. This will load the document within the pdfFiller editor.

Once here, you can edit, fill, and prepare the document as usual. Once finished, simply click Done on the top right-hand corner to save your document; this will also return you to the Dashboard.

Integrations approach

The Integrations approach of access has two directions that you can take: completing the forms with fields in your browser or downloading the forms. There are several benefits to this method, one of which is the ability to see a preview of the document, along with a description.

Another benefit to this approach is that law summaries are available for select forms.

Within the left-hand panel, you can select Integrations. From here, find and press US Legal Forms. You’ll find a button entitled Browse US Legal Forms in the center of your screen, press it to proceed.

Here you’ll find every available document, ready for use. You can search for a document by name, subcategory, keyword, and state. You can also choose to complete a form, which we’re going to do for demonstration purposes.

You’ll find fields on the right that you can fill with the required information for the form. Since this is a demonstration, we’re hoping ‘Robert Shmobert’ and ‘George Florge’ aren’t real people.

Once you’ve entered all of the necessary information, simply scroll down and select Next.

You’ll be greeted with the information you’ve entered so that you can verify its accuracy. Once satisfied, select Submit. If something is incorrect, don’t be afraid of the Previous button, your progress will remain.

If you use the Integrations approach, you can always upload your downloaded forms to pdfFiller. Whichever way you choose, the results speak for themselves.

You’ll be given a chance to review your document within the same page. If you spot any mistakes, you can select Return Home and start over. Alternatively, if everything is in order, download your document, it’s ready for use.

The convenience of accessible and affordable legal and business forms from a single library

As convenient digital forms libraries are, It’s important to note that online legal services cannot replace an attorney who will file documents on your behalf. Nor will they replace individualized business or personal legal guidance. However, if you’re looking for a fast and easy-to-use digital library that provides you with the legal documents you need for any situation, US Legal Forms is a must-have.

Why we’re happy to be partnering with US Legal Forms and what it means for you as a pdfFiller user

Our integration with US Legal Forms simplifies the process of finding and using the legal and business documents you need. Regardless of if you’re looking to sell a house, rent an apartment, prepare a will, set up a trust, start a business, handle domestic affairs, or manage taxes, US Legal Forms has the up-to-date version of what you’re looking for.

Give us a follow and join our community on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. We’re looking forward to hearing how the US Legal Forms integration for pdfFiller helps you live better!


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