PS Form 3877: Proof of Mailing with the USPS
The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers its customers several options for obtaining proof of mailing. One of the standard forms of such proof is PS Form 3877. This post focuses on the process of filling out this form.
Who needs a PS Form 3877?
A sender who wishes to obtain a proof of mailing, as well as a detailed list of items sent, should complete a Form PS 3877. A customer can request this certificate of mailing if they are going to send items from the following list:
• Postcards
• Unregistered first-class mail international items
• Unregistered first-class package international service items
• Free matter for the blind
• Unregistered priority mail international flat rate envelopes or small flat rate boxes
• Ordinary (uninsured) priority mail international parcels including medium and large flat rate boxes
• Airmail M-bags
Although the Postal Service has established several ways to prove that an item has been mailed (including PS Form 3817 and PS Form 3606), only the Form PS 3877 is suitable for shipments containing more than three items.
What is PS Form 3877 for?
The Form PS 3877 is used for the following types of mail service: 1) adult signature required 2) adult signature restricted 3) delivery 4) certified mail 5) COD 6) delivery confirmation 7) express mail 8) insured 9) recorded delivery (International) 10) registered 11) return receipt for merchandise and 12) signature confirmation.
The form provides information about articles to be sent, including their description, destination addresses, fees, handling charge, as well as their actual and insured value if registered.
Is PS 3877 Form accompanied by other forms?
Form PS 3877 does not need the support of other forms. The completed and stamped document certifies the fact that the post office clerk has accepted the mailing.
How do I fill out the PS Form 3877?
The fillable part of the PS 3877 form consists of only one page. The other two pages have a detailed guide for form completion. The main recommendations for filling out the Form PS 3877 can easily be reduced to the following points:
• Each entry must be typed or printed in ink.
• The name and address of the sender must be written at the top of the form.
• Postage, fees, and other services should be written in the appropriate fields.
• A “Return Receipt Requested’ endorsement must be stamped or written when a return receipt is desired.
• The sender must nullify unused fields of the paper by crossing them out.
• The sender must pay for postal services by affixing standard (uncanceled) stamps, precanceled stamps, meter stamps, or PC Postage stamps to the items.
Where do I send the PS Form 3877?
The stamped Form PS 3877 is similar to a mail receipt and remains with the sender as a proof of mailing.