Understanding coordination: how to easily regulate team behavior

team behavior

Finding balance between a warm and friendly team atmosphere and stark discipline is a challenging but important aspect of management. Routinely inappropriate behavior can negatively impact performance and affect a leader’s credibility.

Our tips below will help you effectively regulate team behavior and maintain your managerial authority while improving relations between you and your colleagues. 

Provide specific instructions

Create a document with a specific code of conduct for your office. Let employees evaluate their actions according to a specific set of norms. Have all newcomers sign it and demonstrate their ability to behave properly while working in your office. Include the most challenging workplace offenses such as theft, harassment, and alcohol consumption (for example) and be clear with your consequences for violation. 

Talk to them

Address the most minor violations, but start with an unofficial oral conversation. Discover their reasons for inappropriate behaviors, discuss their motives and consequences for future violations. Ensure that the employee completely understands your company policies and regulations. This type of conversation is often more effective than an instant official warning. 


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Send a warning letter 

If your verbal warning goes unheeded, the time to act has come. Use an Employee Warning or Disciplinary Action Form to demonstrate the consequences of a behavioral violation to a colleague who has disregarded office rules. Hesitating to send an official warning because of friendly relations with a colleague is unadvised. Avoid losing your authority due to a fear of damaging relations. A lack of discipline will definitely have an impact on office productivity and results! 

Evaluate your team regularly

Prevent inappropriate behavior by making your team aware of its performance and discipline. Prepare an Employee Review for each team member at least every few months, include discipline remarks in it, and show how they affect the overall rating of an employee. Emphasize the positive aspects, but avoid ignoring violations. Use the opportunity to inform an employee about some behavior issues without an official warning. Create the Employee Information Form to track the progress of each worker and develop a plan on how best to improve their behavior. 

Regulate the discipline of your team effectively. Remain a true leader and don’t hesitate to use official measures when needed. Apply a smart approach to any violation and your team will thank you! With PDFfiller forms, your reviews and warnings will be valid and persuasive for those employees having trouble following your company’s rules.