Are you or is someone you know searching for ways to fund a college education? If so we have an exciting opportunity to share with you. PDFfiller is proud to announce:
The Paperless World Scholarship Program
PDFfiller’s new scholarship program will help undergraduate students further their education and generate ideas that promote productivity, transparency, and efficiency in governance and business in their countries of origin. The scholarship is aimed at secondary school students from developing countries who plan to attend university in the US.
To enter to win the scholarship, you must write an essay about one of the following topics. The best essay will apply imagination to real-world issues in business and government. The two topics are:
1. How can online document management technology like PDFfiller be used to improve governance in your country? Be specific regarding possible applications and benefits.
2. Describe how e-records could transform the way business is done in a particular industry. Be specific regarding the best way to integrate paperless technologies to achieve maximum effect.
PDFfiller will award US$2,500 for the winning essay entry. Winners will be announced on August 15, 2015 and may be featured on the PDFfiller blog. For more information on eligibility and how to participate, please visit our Scholarship Page.
We look forward to learning from future student leaders about the ways going paperless will help to change the world!