Form VA 21 686c: Declaration of the Status of Dependents
All Armed Forces veterans in the United States are eligible for a variety of benefit programs depending on their discharge conditions. The Department of Veterans Affairs created a number of programs to provide financial, medical and other assistance to veterans. Considering veterans’ usually have to support their families, retired and discharged service members very often can apply for a raise in compensation benefits due to having dependants. Dependants are typically a spouse, child(ren), adopted child(ren), and parents. In this blog post, we will discover how to apply for a raise in benefits using Form VA 21 686c, Declaration of Status of Dependents.
Who needs a Form VA 21 686c?
Veterans of the US Armed Forces with service-connected disabilities may qualify for financial assistance from the state. The amount of financial assistance to these veterans may vary depending on whether they have dependents or not.
Veterans with disabilities may require a raise in the benefits they receive because of the dependents who rely on them by completing and submitting this form to the VA office. However, it should be mentioned that veterans initially rated at 30% of compensation can get an increased amount if they declare having dependants. Veterans eligible for 20% or lower rate for a service-connected disability are not commonly granted extra payments.
What is Form VA 21 686c for?
The VA form 21-686c is a declaration of the status of dependents. The information from this form is used by the VA’s official representatives to assess the applicant’s claim compliance with the requirements of current legislation.
Is the Form VA 21 686c accompanied by other forms?
Submission of this form is most often preceded by filing other documents. It is assumed that you have already handed over all the documents that certify your limitations and associated benefits. In this case, there is no need to accompany VA 21-686c with other forms. If the latter is not the case, you will have to refine the list of necessary documents in the VA Office.
When isForm VA 21 686c due?
You can make changes to the information on dependents with VA 21-686c at any time when the situation requires it.
How do I fill out Form VA 21 686c fillable?
You can fill out the VA form 21-686c online. A two-page form can be completed in 15 minutes. You need to provide information about the composition of your family, singling out those of its members who are dependents. Also, you should specify the monetary costs accompanying this dependent’s support.
Where do I send Form VA 21 686c?
This form should be completed and signed and then directed to the nearest Department of Veterans Affairs office.