Diane Dennis’ company, Monk and DBug LLC, is the creator of the online resource www.InformedContractors.com, a site for contractors who visit for Diane’s expertise and for her downloadable contractor forms, organized by state and form type. While her three construction-related websites already have thousands of visitors a day and her business is doing great, Diane recently started to think about creative ways to add value to her product for her customers.
Diane knew how to provide the right type of forms to contractors, but her customers often had to have additional software to edit and sign the forms once they were downloaded. Moreover, she was often contacted about getting replacement forms for ones that had been lost by clients due to computer crashes or hard disc malfunctions.
Diane wanted to have a functional form: fillable, accessible from anywhere, replaceable — a super form. Diane knew that by providing more built-in ways to store, edit and manage her forms, she would make the forms more useful for her own customers, and ultimately help to grow her own business. |
Diane recently found a way to supercharge her forms by partnering with PDFfiller. This collaboration effectively builds the features of a comprehensive document management platform into each one of Diane’s individual forms, giving her customers access to her original documents along with the power to manage them from start to finish, online or on any mobile device.

The way it works is that PDFfiller creates a unique URL for each of Diane’s forms, and provides her with these links to embed on her own website. This service is not unlike PDFfiller’s LinktoFill feature, which is an online document hosting tool that lets anyone access fillable forms like contracts, invoices, proposals, lien forms or anything else. These embedded forms can be filled using buttons on company websites or sent directly to clients via urls and QR codes. Now when a client clicks on the link from Diane’s website, the form opens up directly in PDFfiller’s Document Editor. From the PDFfiller platform, the contractor can not only access the form, but can fill, edit, and digitally sign the form instantly. Even more important is the total control that PDFfiller gives Diane’s clients over form content, allowing them to add specialized language, create customized fillable fields, or delete any content not relevant to their needs.
My customers have so much more power over their forms when using the PDFfiller management tools. It was a WOW moment for me when I saw what my contractors would be able to do with their forms and the PDFfiller system! |
For every new customer that uses a form after clicking on the URL, Diane receives a payment from PDFfiller while her clients receive the added power of PDFfiller’s management tools. As PDFfiller partners with more companies that create and sell their own forms, the goal is to let content owners set their own price, and collect added revenue from selling the forms on PDFfiller.
For Diane, the added value of her forms, as well as their inclusion in PDFfiller’s document search engine, has amplified the reach and utility of her business, translating into significantly increased revenue and lots of satisfied clients. As Diane puts it, “My customers have so much more power over their forms when using the PDFfiller management tools. It was a WOW moment for me when I saw what my contractors would be able to do with their forms and the PDFfiller system!” |
One problem with the downloadable forms were issues with storage and replacement. Diane explains by saying, “They got lost on people’s computers, some got lost in computer crashes, etc. I always replace them free of charge but they were left waiting until I was available if they hadn’t made a backup copy.”
They (downloadable forms) got lost on people’s computers, some got lost in computer crashes, etc. I replaced them free of charge but they were left waiting until I was available if they hadn’t made a backup copy. |
Because Diane’s customers now have their forms securely stored on PDFfiller’s cloud server, there are no more lost forms and clients can access them from anywhere and on any device, an important feature for contractors who spend a lot of time working on-site. In addition, now that her forms are on PDFfiller her customers have gained access to an impressive amount of new document management capabilities that weren’t available through her site. |
As Diane explains, “I like that it’s so much easier to use than standard Word and PDF documents. They’re much easier to edit, fill in, sign, and send. And I love the fact that the client can use the system to send their filled-in form to someone who isn’t yet a client, and that person doesn’t have to pay to access and print the document sent to them.”
In addition to saving her contractors time in the filling out and management of their forms, working with PDFfiller has freed up some time for Diane so that she can concentrate on the needs of her clients, by adding more informational resources to her website, helping clients deal with situational and state-specific contracting issues, and restarting her own newsletter.
According to Diane, who is both an independent business owner and a very busy mom, “I’m always happy to help anyone who needs it and working with PDFfiller will allow me to do that. Our arrangement has really opened up my time to focus on my clients”. |
I do believe that our arrangement is going to be a great way for both of our companies to generate additional revenue. |
After an initial month-long experiment to test the benefits of the new system with one form, Diane found that she was selling 10x more forms and earning significantly more revenue per month selling her forms on PDFfiller. That convinced her to switch the rest of her forms over to be hosted on PDFfiller as well. According to Diane, “I do believe that our arrangement is going to be a great way for both of our companies to generate additional revenue.” |
While Diane built her business from the ground up and knows the value of her product, she also recognizes that the way her clients deal with her forms has shifted over time. She explains it by saying, “At one time having forms on your computer and not having to work with them online was great. Now however, we have so many things on our computers that it’s better to have access to online documents rather than having them hidden somewhere on your computer.”
For Diane, working with PDFfiller has created a whole new business opportunity. She wins by spending less time on the forms and more time creating informational resources for contractors, PDFfiller wins by adding more forms to its inventory, and Diane’s contractors win by having more powerful forms. By providing her clients with access to documents online, along with a suite of powerful editing and management tools, the benefits of working with PDFfiller are passed along not only to Diane’s business, but to the businesses of her clients.
With more value for her customers, leading to more sales and a higher return on investment, collaboration with PDFfiller has had a transformative effect on Diane’s current business, and has got her thinking about starting new ventures. As Diane puts it, “My suggestion to anyone who has forms for sale is to connect with PDFfiller for a profitable win-win-win for everyone.” |