It’s so hard to believe that 2018 is almost over.
However, there’s no better time to start preparing for the next cycle of sales and work.
In this post, we’re going to explain the 7 technology buzzwords that affect the world of business and that’ll help you to keep up with the new year’s trends.
By using these words (and of course understanding what they mean) you can also raise the level of your professionalism in front of your colleagues, partners, competitors and customers.
Zettabyte era
Though we can’t still use the quantum internet, we’ve entered the Zettabyte era.
Basically, we did it in 2016, when the global IP traffic first exceeded that of one zettabyte.
But now things get more ambitious. Cisco’s Visual Networking Index forecast update for 2018 shows that there will be 1.4 billion more people using the internet by 2022 than the 3.4 billion users in 2017. There will also be significant growth in M2M and in 5G connections.
This means new challenges for companies and consumers. For instance, smartphone traffic will exceed PC traffic and business IP traffic will grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 21%.
Quantum computing
In general, quantum computers are more powerful machines over perform modern computers.
They use quantum bits (qubits) instead of binary digits (bits). Thanks to qubits, the data doesn’t have to be limited to two defined states. Thus, quantum computing is more flexible allowing for computations to be performed in parallel.
However, there is another challenge. With quantum computing, there should be a quantum Internet. And scientists are already on the verge of building a global network of quantum computers connected over a quantum Internet.
According to some estimates, the quantum computing industry will be worth about $5 billion by 2020. The most common area people associate quantum computing with is advanced cryptography. Quantum technology could enable much more complex computer modelling such as in aeronautical scenarios. Quantum computing also helps to develop medical research, data analytics, forecasting and so on. Doubtlessly, the internet of things is one of the most influential buzzwords of recent years that has significantly grown in popularity due to its applications having become more and more tangible. IoT transforms the physical world into one big information system. Everyday appliances can be connected to the internet and to each other – creating ambient intelligence and both collecting and sharing data. This creates a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise be considered dumb – enabling them to communicate without human intervention. For example, a light bulb that can be switched on or off using a smartphone app is an IoT device. An IoT device can be anything from fluffy toys to driverless trucks. In other words, IoT is the merging of the digital and physical worlds. Robotic process automation refers to the automation of business processes. With the help of RPA software, repetitive tasks can be automated. The robotic process is believed to be the next big technology thing. According to a Research and Markets report, the RPA market is going to achieve $7bn by 2024. RPA is about generating a simple automatic email response to processing financial transactions or configuring software for other business processes. Many companies have already adopted RPA technologies including but not limited to Deutsche Bank, Walmart, and American Express Global Business Travel (which uses RPA for running automated refunds for canceled flights). RPA offers a wide range of benefits including reducing staff costs and potential human errors. But the process of integrating RPA software is still quite a demanding and expensive task. It’s still so complex that not many companies can take advantage of RPA. It was not long ago when 3D printers first entered the market. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of creating 3D objects via layers of particular materials. It has revolutionized the way we create and manufacture new things. Now we can print food, houses, human tissue, metal, and plastic with state-of-the-art 3D printers. 3D printing creates a set of new, interesting possibilities where this technology can take us. Food printing, biological tissue, customized jewelry, clothes, shoes, or one-of-a-kind 3D objects – all these are real thanks to the unmatched power of additive manufacturing. This is the old-new buzzword for you – especially if you’re still not savvy as to how your business can benefit from AI. Artificial Intelligence has still been holding its ground and staying on the front scene for several years. Scientists have been long working on AI and in 2019 it’s going to be more powerful than ever before. Still, have no clue what AI stands for? AI refers to software or machines that have a human-like ability to make decisions and learn from experience. Siri and Alexa are by far the brightest examples of AI. But the functionality of AI isn’t limited to smart voice assistants. there is a large number of tools powered by AI including those that use search and mathematical optimization, logic, probability-based methods, etc. In business, AI helps not only collect or analyze reports on what has already happened, but assists businesses with real-time dashboards and proactive analytics. An AI-powered system helps monitor trends and see what is happening at every moment. When something gets off-trend, an AI-powered system sends alerts. The pace of changes in our world is getting faster and faster with each passing year. By keeping pace with the changes, you can take advantage of new opportunities in the market that your competitors cannot see or implement as quickly. Look smart and be smart by taking advantages of new market opportunities before they become well-known trends. loT or internet of things
RPA or robotic process automation
3D printers
AI or artificial intelligence